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GCV-Live has become GOD-TV
The first of our GCV Channels on Roku, “GCV-Live” is in hibernation as we prepare some big changes in 2024!
It will still feature a daily line-up of Classic TV shows (and movies) from the Good Old Days. In fact, that’ll be the new channel name – “Good Old Days TV,” or “GOD-TV” for short!
We’re adding LOTS of new shows & new episodes of family-friendly television programs: classic comedy, drama & westerns; plus classic cartoons for the kids & the young-at-heart, nostalgic for the good old days of Saturday morning cartoons, as well as a line-up of classic movies.
AND, our “live” GOD-TV will be joining a new network, AiryTV! That’s an up-and-coming network of FREE-To-Watch channels, available on all available platforms, on all available devices!

Watch GOD-TV On Demand, on Roku
In the meantime, our GOD-TV programs (and a LOT more) are available “On Demand” on our GCV-TV Network on Roku, along with other shows – Delicious, Lifestyle, Wave Music channels & more!

Perfect for binge-watching, we’re feverishly adding a LOT of classic shows & movies to our GOD-TV On Demand line-up! We’ll be adding new episodes every week or so, so you’ll have more to watch on your schedule!
Here’s how to access the GCV-TV Network through your tv’s built-in or attached Roku devices:
Log-in to your Roku device on your favorite televisions. Scroll down to “Search” and type in “G – C – V” to find our channel, GCV-TV. Look for this logo & select it!

Then, follow instructions to add it to your channel line-up! Yes, it’s really that simple! Then, you get to see everything on YOUR schedule!
It’s FREE to add our network on Roku, AND it’s FREE to watch, too!