With conflicting assessments by the companies involved, the Oak Grove Town Council has voted to seek an independent assessment of the Gantts Junction paving project which has shown signs of premature breakdown in spots.
In making the proposal, Councilman David Harris said, “I think we need to get ahead of this, to have an outside expert make an independent assessment of exactly what we’re looking at, what’s behind the road surface breaking down in spots, and what our options might be going forward.”
The Council voted to spend up to $5,000 to make the independent assessment.
In other new business, a draft agreement with Talladega County for responsibilities and duties during the upcoming municipal election was presented for study. A vote on the agreement is expected to be on the April meeting agenda.
Mayor Tony White reported his plans to attend the Alabama League of Municipalities Convention in Huntsville, May 13 – 16. Several Town Council members were not certain of their plans at the moment. A vote was tabled on the Voting Delegate Authorization form selections, along with authorization of expenses for attendance.
Following discussion of a proposal from Rock Solid Operations, LLC for curbside pick-up of debris, the Council voted to authorize Mayor Tony White to confirm the length of the proposed agreement, which would greatly reduce the cost for providing twice per month service on the first and third Mondays of each month.
A proposal from Republic Waste to provide dumpster service for the Town of Oak Grove was tabled while the Town Clerk’s office solicits bids for service from other providers.