The Oak Grove Town Council to seek an independent assessment of Gantt’s Junction Road paving work

With conflicting assessments by the companies involved, the Oak Grove Town Council has voted to seek an independent assessment of the Gantts Junction paving project which has shown signs of premature breakdown in spots.

In making the proposal, Councilman David Harris said, “I think we need to get ahead of this, to have an outside expert make an independent assessment of exactly what we’re looking at, what’s behind the road surface breaking down in spots, and what our options might be going forward.”

The Council voted to spend up to $5,000 to make the independent assessment.

In other new business, a draft agreement with Talladega County for responsibilities and duties during the upcoming municipal election was presented for study. A vote on the agreement is expected to be on the April meeting agenda.

Mayor Tony White reported his plans to attend the Alabama League of Municipalities Convention in Huntsville, May 13 – 16. Several Town Council members were not certain of their plans at the moment. A vote was tabled on the Voting Delegate Authorization form selections, along with authorization of expenses for attendance.

Following discussion of a proposal from Rock Solid Operations, LLC for curbside pick-up of debris, the Council voted to authorize Mayor Tony White to confirm the length of the proposed agreement, which would greatly reduce the cost for providing twice per month service on the first and third Mondays of each month.

A proposal from Republic Waste to provide dumpster service for the Town of Oak Grove was tabled while the Town Clerk’s office solicits bids for service from other providers.

The Town of Oak Grove reappoints Sewer Board members

During their February 2025 regular meeting, the Oak Grove Town Council reappointed Rick Morgan and Frank Young to their Sewer Board for terms ending in 2028 and 2030 respectively.

In other new business, The Council voted to indemnify the Town Clerk and Volunteer Fire Chief against legal liability in the course of carrying out their required duties.

The purchase of an Off-Road Tracker for town use was approved at a cost of $16,174 from Sylacauga Marine & ATV.

Repair expenses were approved to install new lighting for a Street Department vehicle to meet legally-required standards. The cost of the work by Dana Safety Supply is $1,559.34.

The Oak Grove VFD reported 59 total calls in January. There were five structure fires, fifteen property fires, thirty-six EMS-only calls, and three non-fire, non-EMS calls. Aid was given to other departments on seven calls, and aid recieved on ten calls.

Six of the calls for service were inside the town limits, with the other 53 calls outside, but still within the departments assigned service area.

Oak Grove Town Council meeting report for 11/12/2024

The Oak Grove Town Council met at 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday, November 12th at 6:00 p.m.

Councilman David Harris reported that the recent Oak Grove Fall Festival essentially broke even in terms of expenses and sponsorship revenues, “It was our smoothest and most successful festival, thanks to everyone joining in and working together.”

The Oak Grove Volunteer Fire Department made their monthly report to the Town Council for October 2024:

Total Calls – 54
Structure Fires – 6
General Fires – 5
EMS-Only Calls – 41
Non-Fire, Non-EMS Calls – 2
Aid Given Calls – 4
Aid Received – 6
No-Aid Required – 44
Calls Inside Town Limits – 14
Calls Outside Town Limits – 40

The following are action items from their agenda:

William L. Taylor was approved to joing the Oak Grove Volunteer Fire Department.

The Council approved the 2025 Town holiday schedule for Town Hall and employees. The only change in the traditional schedule is for the Christmas holiday, with Friday (12/26) added to the schedule , along with Wednesday (12/24) and Thursday (12/25).

Repairs to the bumper of the Street Department’s 2022 Ford F-250 were approved at a cost of $1,700 by Collier Motors.

The Town Council approved the purchase of 2024 Gooseneck Trailer ($9,500) and hitch ($699). The 8.5’ by 30’ trailer will allow the Street Department to transport all three lawn mowers to job sites.

Resolution 617 approved declaring the 15-passenger Transportation bus as surplus and authorized disposal of the 2017 E350 Cutaway Bus.

The Council discussed a proposed 2.5-percent Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) for town employees. The proposal will be formalized with a Resolution during the December regular meeting.

The Town of Oak Grove voted to approve Resolution 616, which joins the State of Alabama in approving a Sales Tax Exemption for Agricultural Fencing, up to $25,000.

A revision of the National Flood Insurance Ordinance had its first reading and will be considered during the December regular meeting.

The required Oak Grove Annual Safety Meeting was scheduled for Wednesday, November 27th at 2:00 p.m.

A contingency budget of $500 was approved for the annual Oak Grove Christmas Tree Lighting event, which is scheduled for Monday, December 2nd at 6:00 p.m. in Oak Grove Park.