Pre-sale orders are now available for Sylacauga Sings Christmas” from Sylacauga’s new state-of-the-art MusicWorks Audio – Video Productions. It’s a unique holiday album featuring professional Sylacauga area talents to benefit the Sylacauga Animal Shelter.

“I feel great about the quality of what we’ve put together for the holidays, featuring so many of our great talents of the music business,”
said David Harris, who served as Producer/Chief Engineer for the project, “Whether you’re looking to support the Animal Shelter, love Christmas music, or want to hear local artists, you’re going to be quite pleased.”
Here is a list of “Sylacauga Sings Christmas” songs & artists:

“Please Come Home For Christmas” Aaron Smithey
“Christmas in Dixie” Hunter Reynolds
“Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer” Mike Shell
“Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas” Patrick Barnett
“Winter Wonderland” Mandy Harris
“Silent Night” Cherry Avenue, featuring Jaxon & Sadie
“Holly Jolly Christmas” Kanyon Ogle
“O Holy Night” David Maxwell
“Blue Christmas” Danny Reynolds
“Silver Bells” Roy Strickland
“Quickdraw The Cowboy” Don Horton
The beneficiary of the proceeds will be the Sylacauga Animal Shelter, and maybe you’re wondering what they’ll be doing with the money raised. That list starts with emergency food needs, especially when veterinarians call for special needs diets. The funds will also help cover emergency Vet needs, primarily for radiology and surgery, along with Vet medications, such as vaccines, antibiotics, preventatives, etc.
The CDs should be in just prior to Thanksgiving week, and can be pre-ordered by contacting MusicWorks Audio – Video Productions at (256) 245-7229. MusicWorks is arranging for some local merchants to carry the Christmas collection, and they’ll be publicizing where you can pick up copies.