Jim’ Zig’ Zeigler writes about Alabama’s people, places, events, groups and prominent deaths. He is a former Alabama Public Service Commissioner and State Auditor. You can reach him for comments at [email protected].

Lovers of marble, serious students of sculpture and the seriously curious should consider going TWICE to Sylacauga’s ‘Magic of Marble Festival’ — two different times this year.
Once, early. Say April 2 or 3. The first few days.
Then again, later. Say April 12 or 13. The last days.
Click HERE for the rest of the story: https://1819news.com/news/item/should-you-go-to-sylacaugas-marble-festival-twice-april-2-13?fbclid=IwAR1kjSWMUpDJbvQltoE2j4rQyOKV6pCsWAeGLQixpLs8P3mA4xrRkVoFcho