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The Sylacauga City School system has been gifted the Centennial Building for use as an alternative school

The Sylacauga Board of ion opened their Tuesday, March 18 business meeting with approval of a Memorandum of Understanding with First Bank of Alabama for the Centennial Building donation. The building, located on the north-east corner of the Norton Avenue at 1st Street intersection, will be used by the school system as an alternative school location, among other uses to be determined.

In other New Business, the Board approved financials: Payroll, Accounts Payable and CNP Accounts Payable, along with New Teacher Mentors for second semester of the current 2024-2025 school year, as well as adoption of the K-12 Science Textbook/Supplemental Curriculum.

The Board approved a bid for $266,807.12 to Incare Technologies for the Network Switch and Wireless Access Point, required by E-Rate.

In Personnel matters, the Board accepted the following retirements:
Sharon Futral, Full Time Bus Driver, effective June 1, 2025; Gail Duncan, CNP Worker, Pinecrest Elementary, effective April 1, 2025; Sheila Giddens, School Nurse, Pinecrest Elementary, effective June 1, 2025; and Tracy Green, Fifth Grade Teacher, Pinecrest Elementary, effective June 1, 2025.

The resignation was accepted from: Heather Collier, Indian Valley Elementary, Special Education, Self-Contained Teacher, effective at the end of 2024-2025 school year.

The Board also approved the following transfers of: Kelley Holbrook, Nichols Lawson Middle School Bookkeeper to Sylacauga High School Bookkeeper, effective March 31, 2025; Malesha Garrett, Nichols Lawson Middle School Secretary to Nichols Lawson Middle School Bookkeeper, effective March 31, 2025; and Skylar Patterson, Nichols Lawson Middle School Special Education Teacher to Sylacauga High School Special Education Teacher, effective 2025-2026 School Year.

Employment was approved for: Eula Renae Moon Walton, CNP Manager, Pinecrest Elementary, effective March 31, 2025; and Erica Harwell, Sylacauga High School, Attendance Clerk, effective March 19, 2025.

The Board approved a pair of Summer Programs for: Summer Literacy/Math Camp Staff, effective Summer 2025; and Transportation Summer Workers, effective Summer 2025.

Supplements were approved for: National Board Certified Teachers Supplements; additional hours for SHS Teachers for AP Review Sessions; Additional hours for SHS and NLMS Health Science Teachers; Isaac Jennings, Varsity Boys Volunteer Coach for Track, Sylacauga High School, effective immediately.

Leaves Of Absence were approved for Brenda Durden, Nichols-Lawson Middle School, effective immediately through end of 2024-2025 school year; and Lane Strickland, Nichols Lawson Middle School, effective March 31 through end of 2024-25 school

The Board approved Emilyanne Steers as a system-wide Substitute Teacher, effective immediately.

Prior to the meeting, the Board enjoyed a presentation celebrating Arts Education Month with highlights of the school system’s Fine Arts Programs. Also highlighted was the Sylacauga High School Boys Varsity Basketball Team and Coaches for their excellence during the just completed season, which ended as the 5A State Runnerup with a 30 – 4 overall record.

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