The Town of Oak Grove reappoints Sewer Board members

During their February 2025 regular meeting, the Oak Grove Town Council reappointed Rick Morgan and Frank Young to their Sewer Board for terms ending in 2028 and 2030 respectively.

In other new business, The Council voted to indemnify the Town Clerk and Volunteer Fire Chief against legal liability in the course of carrying out their required duties.

The purchase of an Off-Road Tracker for town use was approved at a cost of $16,174 from Sylacauga Marine & ATV.

Repair expenses were approved to install new lighting for a Street Department vehicle to meet legally-required standards. The cost of the work by Dana Safety Supply is $1,559.34.

The Oak Grove VFD reported 59 total calls in January. There were five structure fires, fifteen property fires, thirty-six EMS-only calls, and three non-fire, non-EMS calls. Aid was given to other departments on seven calls, and aid recieved on ten calls.

Six of the calls for service were inside the town limits, with the other 53 calls outside, but still within the departments assigned service area.