Every year about this time, the City of Childersburg is transformed into Christmasburg. It’s a product of volunteerism in action among citizens and organizations, led by First Lady Trish Wesson.
According to Wesson, a grand example of community cooperation is the new downtown Train Station, “The Termite Group and Jimmy Landers made the ticket booth. Donald Haynes made the Railroad crossing signs here and at Santa’s workshop. Krissy Morris made the train. Thank you so much Steve Yarnel for stabilizing our train and the fence down at the reindeer farm. Thank you to the Street Department (Eddie Strickland, Floyd and Stubblefield) for your help getting all the pole lights up.

Others pitching in have been Candy Mahaffey, Jennifer Riddle, Kathy Matthews, Diana Rutherford, Ma Jeannie, Donna Mayfield, Grace Baptist Church, Karen White Lori Reed, Misti Payne, along woth the Childersburg Fire and Police Departments, and so many other anonymous elves!
It all comes together on Our is Tuesday, December 3, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. for Childersburg’s annual Christmas tree Lighting at the Butler-Harris-Rainwater House, and spreading throughout the entire downtown.

Shuttle buses will be available to board at City Hall starting at 5:15 p.m. to take visitors to the Rainwater House and back downtown after the tree lighting. Families can visit Santa at Santa’s Workshop, catch the Grinch and Cindy Lou Who at Kiwanis Park after the tree lighting.
The kids can board the train to Santa’s workshop and Whoville after the tree lighting . Have fun in the snow at Kiwanis Park. Carriage rides are available for those who quickly filled out the reservation list. Hot chocolate and Apple Cider stations will be available at just about every block.

Visit Pam’s Hair Heaven Gift Shop and stop in for Hot Cocoa there. Our newest downtown business, Fair to Middlin’ Gifts & Boutique will be open for Christmas shopping.
Roads will be closing at 5:15 p.m., so get to town early for a convenient place to park. See you in downtown Christmasburg and Merry Christmas!