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Gov. Fob James’ weekly radio show: That was a different day

Jim ‘Zig’ Zeigler writes about Alabama’s people, places, events, groups and prominent deaths.  He is a former Alabama Public Service Commissioner and State Auditor. You can reach him for comments at
His original 1819news article can be found HERE:

Can you imagine nowadays? The governor hosting a live weekly call-in radio show? Taking all calls? Not screening any? Hearing out all callers and responding?  No professional host. Answering the phone himself or herself. Just the governor. The Wild West of radio.

Think of a cross between Paul Finebaum and Gov. Kay Ivey.

It probably couldn’t be done now — for a variety of reasons.

But in 1995, it was done. Gov. Fob James hosted his own weekly radio show on about 30 radio stations — from Huntsville to Mobile. From the Shoals to the Wiregrass.

“Fob James Live” had started with candidate Fob James in 1994.  A former governor running to win back his old office.  Trailing badly to incumbent Gov. Jim Folsom, Jr. (D-Cullman), who had risen from lieutenant governor upon the conviction of Gov. Guy Hunt by a Montgomery County jury.

James needed a difference-making way to catch up quickly and overtake Folsom. His political guru DeLoss Walker of Memphis came up with one. An every-Monday-night radio show. He lined up about 30 local stations, some one-horse stations but others with quite large audiences. Plus, Walker figured news reporters would listen in and generate free news stories from the dialogue.  They did, but it was the only thing free about the show. It was all a paid political ad, paid for by the James for Governor campaign.

I’m going to stop calling him “James” and call him “Fob.” Just Fob. That’s what almost everybody called him except for Yankee reporters who just couldn’t understand and called him “Bob.”

Fob had a few ground rules for the show—very few. He said to get the caller’s name and where they are from. And nothing else. There was no hint of what they wanted to talk about. There was no screening of personal agendas, anti-Fobs, inarticulate callers, nuts, or repeat callers.

Can you imagine?

Understand that Fob served as the host of the show. We are used to politicians going on to talk shows as the guest, with a professional host running the show. The host asks the questions and basically controls the show.  The politician/guest gives the answers. This was different. Fob hosted the show, and the callers were the guests.

Were there some rough moments with connecting and hearing the callers? Yes. Did it all run smoothly? Heck, no.  That was part of the attraction. The show was real. 

“Fob James Live” was a 1990s Alabama radio version of a New England town hall. A Roosevelt fireside chat. A Huey Long radiothon. A Winston Churchill BBC radio broadcast.

Candidate Fob did come from way behind and win the November 1994 general election in a huge upset. Few saw it coming.  Polls showed incumbent Folsom ahead of Fob by about 10%. Election day results were far different. 

How much did the radio show have to do with the turnaround and Fob’s victory? No one knows. Fob rode the wave of the national Republican sweep. There was a strong voter reaction against the first two years of the Bill Clinton administration, particularly here in Alabama. There was a strong reaction against the Clinton healthcare plan that ultimately failed. 

There was House Speaker Newt Gingrich nationalizing the election with his ‘Contract with America.’

Some Alabama news media had painted a picture of some aides in the Folsom administration using their offices for personal gain.

Some Folsom supporters were over-confident and did not take Fob seriously.

You add all those factors, and maybe the Fob radio show didn’t make that much of a difference. But, and it is a big but, the election results were close. Very close. Fob wound up ahead by less than 11,000 votes. 

So, former governor and present radio talk host Fob James became governor again in January 1995.  What to do about the radio show and the statewide network of stations?

Why, keep on. So long as Fob’s campaign fund paid the costs of the show (and it did) let the show go on.

On Monday nights, anybody in Alabama could tune in and listen or call in and talk. Talk to the governor of Alabama. Ask whatever was on your mind. 

If you think about it, that access is unusual.  Nowadays, we think of governors as being largely inaccessible. Behind closed doors. Accompanied by a security guard and an entourage. Wisked in and out quickly for a public appearance. A scripted speech. Briefed by aides.

The Fob radio show raised some issues and produced some interesting moments.  It told a lot about Fob and a lot about the people of Alabama.

The removed cross in Baldwin County

It was caller number 10.  He was upset because a large cross that stood on state right of way along a highway in Gulf Shores had been taken down, he said under a federal court order.  The caller wanted to know how to get permission to put it back up. Now, Fob had a lawyer right there in the radio studio to advise on pesky issues like church-state questions, but he didn’t ask his lawyer. He just leaned into the mic and issued marching orders: “Get your cross, just like the one that was there, go on back there, and put it back up. I’ll tell ’em you’re on your way.”

That was Fob. Be bold. Take initiative. Don’t ask anybody about it. Just do it.

Attempt to remove Ten Commandments from Judge Roy Moore’s courtroom

Circuit Court Judge Roy Moore in Gadsden has whittled and carved a wooden Ten Commandments. He put it in his courtroom at the Etowah County Courthouse. He also opened each session of court with prayer.

Naturally, these actions came to the attention of the ACLU. They sued. Court orders were issued.

You would imagine that this controversy was brought up by callers on the governor’s radio show. It was.

Here is Gov. Fob’s reply to a caller:

“I am sworn to uphold the United States Constitution and I will…. Judge Price’s order stripping Judge Moore’s courtroom of the Ten Commandments clearly prohibits the exercise of religion. I would use all legal means at my disposal, which includes the National Guard and the state troopers, to prevent the removal of the Ten Commandments from Judge Moore’s courtroom.”

The disgraceful abandoned cemetery

A repeat caller would ask Governor Fob about the same problem each week. There was a shameful run-down cemetery in Montgomery. The caller wanted the governor to have it cleaned up. After several weeks of calls, Fob had heard enough. He told his aides to get the cemetery cleaned up. They quickly found a seldom-used provision in the law (maybe never used?) that allowed the state government to do so. Gov. Fob contacted prison system officials and told them to use convict laborers and clean up that cemetery. They did. Problem solved.

Ironically, the cemetery was next to a TV station. Their news department noticed the cemetery clean-up and inquired. They produced a news story about the state cleanup, and the Montgomery Advertiser newspaper then picked up on it. Soon, it was state news, and many neglected cemeteries across the state were calling Gov. Fob’s office wanting their own cemetery cleaned up by the state.

The law of unintended consequences.

There was a downside to the radio show—the cost paid by Fob’s campaign fund. He drained the fund dry. When it came time for him to run for re-election in 1998, he had no funds left and had to raise them from zero. His opponent, Lt. Governor Don Siegelman (D), was a good fundraiser and retail campaigner. Fob lost the 1998 race. He left the governor’s office in January 1999. He has not run for office since.

The name of the radio show was “Fob James Live.” While the show has been dead for 25 years, Fob himself is still alive at age 89.

“Behind this judicial wall of separation there is a tyranny of lies that will fall… I say to you, my friends, let it fall!”  — Gov. Fob James

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International TV started in Alabama, blocked in Russia: ‘Out n About With Eddy Reese’

Jim’ Zig’ Zeigler writes about Alabama’s people, places, events, groups and prominent deaths. He is a former Alabama Public Service Commissioner and State Auditor. You can reach him for comments at

For a TV network to be blocked in Russia, it must make a difference.

That was the attitude of Eddy Reese of Anniston, Alabama, when he got the notice that his Community Service Network (CSN) had been blocked and would not be seen in Russia.

CSN “shares good things but most importantly shares the love of my Lord and Savior.”

No wonder he got blocked in Russia.

NOTE: The inclusion of Eddy Reese’s “channels” on the Roku Network, GCV-TV has apparently bypassed the Russian blockade. Our network, and ALL of it’s channels (with the exception of music channels, which are only licensed to share copywritten music in the USA) ARE not only “available” in Russia and elsewhere, they ARE being viewed!

CLICK HERE for the rest of the story:

Community Event Community Feature

Should you go to Sylacauga’s Marble Festival TWICE? April 2-13

Jim’ Zig’ Zeigler writes about Alabama’s people, places, events, groups and prominent deaths. He is a former Alabama Public Service Commissioner and State Auditor. You can reach him for comments at

Lovers of marble, serious students of sculpture and the seriously curious should consider going TWICE to Sylacauga’s ‘Magic of Marble Festival’ — two different times this year.

Once, early. Say April 2 or 3. The first few days.

Then again, later. Say April 12 or 13. The last days.


Click HERE for the rest of the story:

Community Feature GCV News

Why is the Day Called ‘Good Friday’?

Why is the day that Jesus Christ died on a Roman cross called “good” when it commemorates a day of suffering and death? Why is it not called “Bad Friday?”

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Krazy Crabs Seafood & Wings celebrates Grand Opening in Sylacauga with Ribbon Cutting

The new Krazy Crabs Seafood and Wings kicked off their Grand Opening celebration with a Ribbon-Cutting ceremony at 10:00 a.m. on Tuesday, March 12th. It is located at 1371 West Fort Williams Street in Sylacauga.

They are open Tuesday through Wednesday, from 10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.; Friday & Saturday, from 10:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.; and Sunday, from 11:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.

Check out their website at for menu and on-line ordering information!

Pictured L-R are owners Huey Huang & Helen Wen, along with Micky Xie. Not pictured is Jacky Wu.

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Gospel music spectacular in Sylacauga April 12-13 @ B.B. Comer High School


Have you heard of the old-fashioned “all-day singing with dinner on the ground?”  Well, this isn’t that. This is an early evening singing in the high school auditorium. 801 Seminole Avenue, Sylacauga.

Click here for more.

Community Feature

Remembering Terry Paul Beasley

February 5, 1950 – January 31, 2024

Born in Montgomery, Alabama, Terry got into sports early, following his older brothers. He played baseball, joined the track team, and his football career started as a kicker for Capital Heights Junior High and continued until the tenth grade at Robert E. Lee High School when a leg injury ended his ability to kick well. He was then transitioned into the wide receiver position and became the Co-Captain for the 1967 team.

In December of 1967, Terry committed to play for Auburn University. He lettered from 1969 to 1971. In his college career, he amassed 141 receptions, four program records of 2,507 yards and 29 touchdowns while playing with Heisman Trophy-winning quarterback Pat Sullivan. Terry set an SEC Record of that time of 29 career receiving touchdowns. He led the SEC in receptions, receiving yards and scoring in 1970 with 52 receptions, 1,051 receiving yards and 72 points.

He was an All-American in 1970 and 1971. He was picked as the SEC Lineman of the Week multiple times. He, along with Pat Sullivan, Johnny Musso and John Hannan, were called to appear before a Joint Sesson of the Alabama State Senate to be recognized as outstanding players. He is one of three Auburn players to have their number retired by the Auburn University #88 along with Pat Sullivan #7 and Bo Jackson #34.

In 1971 he was named the College Pass Receiver of the Year by the Touchdown Club of Columbus and was in the first round of the 1972 NFL Draft selected by the San Fransico 49ers. He played with the 49ers until 1975 when injuries forced his retirement. It is estimated that during his football career, he had at least 52 concussions.

In 1982, SEC sportswriters named him to the first team of the All-Time SEC team covering 50 years from 1933 to 1982 and the Quarter-Century All-SEC Team which covered 1950 to 1974. He was elected into the Alabama Sports Hall of Fame in 1986 and in 1992 he, along with Pat Sullivan, where selected to Auburn’s Team of the Century. In 2002, he was named to the College Football Hall of Fame.

After leaving the 49ers, Terry had a successful landscaping business and later was a salesman for EZ GO Golf Cart Company.

While Terry was well known for his football career, there was more to him than football. He was a man who had a very difficult childhood that grew up to be a very generous man. As a child of five, he began working in a local barber shop sweeping the floor and shining shoes. His grandfather and mother ran a small lumber yard and sold sawdust to local factories. To save money, the sacks were reused and if torn, had to be repaired. As a young boy, he learned to sew these sacks and to shovel sawdust. As he got older, he worked at a local grocery store cleaning, sacking groceries and various other jobs to help out the family. He never was able to buy lunch at school until his senior year when he was allowed to work in the lunchroom in order to eat lunch. Because of this, he donated yearly to the St. Clair County School System Lunch Program so no child would go without lunch.

He set up a scholarship with the College of Agriculture, for first year students with financial needs through the Spirit of Auburn Scholarship program.

The Bible teaches us to help the widows. Only a few of those closest to Terry knew that he honored this scripture by often shaking the hands of the widows of his home church congregation and leaving a little money in their hand to help them out. He gave faithfully to his home church, many Christian ministries, Big Oaks Boys and Girls Ranch, foundations that support Israel and the Jewish Community. His generous donations are too numerous to list.

When preparing this remembrance, many recalled how he was generous of his time. When you talked to him, you had his full attention. He listened to you as if you were the most important person to him, and you were. This was even true with the children at church who all thought Mr. Terry was the greatest without knowing a thing about his football history.

Terry loved the Lord and he loved to study the Word. Terry loved to discuss the scripture during Sunday School class and Bible study. He could quote scripture and explain what they meant. He loved to serve at his church and loved when it was his turn to be usher. He was always first to come forward when it was time to pray for those who came to the front for prayer and he faithfully stood by his brother-in-law Ricky, who is recovering from cancer, each time he came for prayer.

With all that could be said about Terry, he would want you to know that nothing meant more to him than his relationship with God. If you don’t remember anything, remember this one thing that Terry was often heard saying, “It’s all about Jesus!”

He wrote the following Prayer, Heart of an Eagle:

In Lieu of flowers, the family request any donations be made to the Big Oak Ranch, to the Concussion Legacy Foundation for CTE, or to the charity of your choice. Maybe even plant a tree or two in his memory!

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Kiwanis Pancake Day #1

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Kiwanis Pancake Day #2

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