Category: City Council meeting

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Mayor Ken Wesson reported that all City departments were proactive in preparing for this past weekend’s storms, “They inspected their facilities, collecting and storing all items that might be subject to problems from the expected high winds. With over four-inches of rain in a very short period of time, we did experience a few short-term flooding issues, but we were pleased at how quickly the excess rain subsided. We were fortunate that we did not experience what our neighbors in Winterboro dealt with.”
Wesson reported that the City storm shelter housed 35 people during the evening on Saturday, March 15th, while 52 took advantage of the safe zone at the Limbaugh Community Center, “We got the all clear at 11:00 p.m. and allowed our emergency visitors to go home.”
The Childersburg City Council opened their Tuesday, March 18th regular business meeting by revisiting an item from the last meeting, when they approved ABC Beer and Wine Retail licenses for Quik Sak (32522 US Highway 280, Childersburg. This meeting, the Council also approved a Retail Liquor Class C license, added by the ABC Board.
Having completed his certification, Joseph Lide was approved for a classification change to firefighter/paramedic at an hourly pay rate of $16 per hour.
The Council approved a hole sponsorship for the scheduled April 14, 2025 golf tournament for Elks Lodge 2295 for $100, paid from Fund 23.
Payment of invoices was approved in the amount of $844,125.84, including a $400,000+ payment on the construction project for the new Police-Judicial Complex on Highway 280.
Wesson also announced receipt of approval of ADECA grant funds for the Childersburg Police Department in the amount of $23,540.
After the meeting Chief Kevin Koss said that the grant funds will be used in a variety of projects inside the new Police-Judicial Complex, “The funds are to address gun violence, and the terms will allow a wide range of uses that meet the standards. It will be difference-making.”
The next regular meeting will be held on Tuesday April 1st, 2025 at 6:00 p.m.
With conflicting assessments by the companies involved, the Oak Grove Town Council has voted to seek an independent assessment of the Gantts Junction paving project which has shown signs of premature breakdown in spots.
In making the proposal, Councilman David Harris said, “I think we need to get ahead of this, to have an outside expert make an independent assessment of exactly what we’re looking at, what’s behind the road surface breaking down in spots, and what our options might be going forward.”
The Council voted to spend up to $5,000 to make the independent assessment.
In other new business, a draft agreement with Talladega County for responsibilities and duties during the upcoming municipal election was presented for study. A vote on the agreement is expected to be on the April meeting agenda.
Mayor Tony White reported his plans to attend the Alabama League of Municipalities Convention in Huntsville, May 13 – 16. Several Town Council members were not certain of their plans at the moment. A vote was tabled on the Voting Delegate Authorization form selections, along with authorization of expenses for attendance.
Following discussion of a proposal from Rock Solid Operations, LLC for curbside pick-up of debris, the Council voted to authorize Mayor Tony White to confirm the length of the proposed agreement, which would greatly reduce the cost for providing twice per month service on the first and third Mondays of each month.
A proposal from Republic Waste to provide dumpster service for the Town of Oak Grove was tabled while the Town Clerk’s office solicits bids for service from other providers.
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The Tuesday, March 4th Childersburg City Council meeting opened with passage of Resolution 2025-04, which authorizes the City to enter into a working agreement with Talladega County and its Board of Registrars for the 2025 Municipal Election, authorizing Mayor Ken Wesson to execute the agreement.
The Council approved an ABC license for Quik Sak Grocery, located at 32522 US Highway 280, Suite A in the city. It includes off-premise-only sales for beer and wine.
The new Childersburg Police/Judicial Complex will have a new 60-foot flagpole, installed by Alabama Flag and Banner. The cost, including flags is $18391.50, paid from Fund 65-Direct Support.
The Council also approved purchase and installation of 30 Alibi Cameras, along with a network video system from Advanced Integrated Security at a cost of $27,7999 paid from Fund 25. It will give complete security coverage of the complex interior and exterior, and will include an outdoor “safe zone” for public transactions, child custody swaps, or any other citizen activity that would benefit from the service.
During a safety inspection of the baseball/softball complex, a dangerous loose wire was discovered. Mayor Wesson authorized the emergency repair at a cost of $2,100. That same inspection identified fencing issues needing repair before the start of the upcoming season. The Council approved costs, not to exceed $11,500 from Fund 65-Direct Support.
The Council approved payment of invoices in the amount of $180,879.55.
The next regular meeting of the City Council will be Tuesday, March 18, 2025 at 6:00 pm.
During their February 2025 regular meeting, the Oak Grove Town Council reappointed Rick Morgan and Frank Young to their Sewer Board for terms ending in 2028 and 2030 respectively.
In other new business, The Council voted to indemnify the Town Clerk and Volunteer Fire Chief against legal liability in the course of carrying out their required duties.
The purchase of an Off-Road Tracker for town use was approved at a cost of $16,174 from Sylacauga Marine & ATV.
Repair expenses were approved to install new lighting for a Street Department vehicle to meet legally-required standards. The cost of the work by Dana Safety Supply is $1,559.34.
The Oak Grove VFD reported 59 total calls in January. There were five structure fires, fifteen property fires, thirty-six EMS-only calls, and three non-fire, non-EMS calls. Aid was given to other departments on seven calls, and aid recieved on ten calls.
Six of the calls for service were inside the town limits, with the other 53 calls outside, but still within the departments assigned service area.
Read the accounts of the meeting &/or watch the meeting video below:
The Childersburg City Council opened it second February meeting with a pair of reappointments to the Childersburg Water-Sewer-Gas Board. Billy Atkinson, Jr. will serve through 9/30/2030. Ron Websters term extends to 1/26/2031.
With Mayor serving as the Voting Delegate during the 2025 Alabama League of Municipalites convention in Huntsville, the Council selected Tommy Ivey as 1st Alternate, and Angie Twymn will serve as 2nd Alternate.
The Council approved a pair of grounds mainenance expences. The Street Department will have four (4) new Echo weed eaters from Russell Building Supply at $359.99 through the state bid list, with a fifth going to the Parks and Recreation Department. That total is $1,799.95, paid from Fund 23.
Approval also went for a Parks and Recreation requet for a Kubota Zero Turn Mower from Lincoln Tractor, priced at $11,798.72 on the state bid list, also paid from Fund 23.
The Council approved expense for the emergency replacement of a wooden trellis at the Rainwater Museum. It will be replaced by Yarnell Construction at a cost not to exceed $5,800.
Approval was given to pay invoices in the amount of $623,628.13 with $353,000 representing the latest payment on the construction work at the new Judicial Complex on US Highway 280.
The next regular meeting will be held on March 4, 2025 at 6:00 p.m.
Watch the meeting video below &/or read the accounts of the meeting.
A short-handed Childersburg City Council handled a short agenda on Tuesday, February 4th and turned it’s attention the new Childersburg Judicial Complex. Council members Angie Twyman and Wes Allen were absent.
Renovations on the building that will house both the Childersburg Police Department and the Municipal Court was reported as making significant, on-schedule progress. Mayor Ken Wesson reported that plans for the phone system and security cameras is ready for implementation, “ It will include a ‘safe exchange zone’ close to the front door with 24/7 surveillance camera to record child custody exchanges as well as online commerce meet-ups in a safe, recorded environment.”
During their pre-meeting work session the Council discussed plans being developed for an impressive sign at the new Judicial Complex. A 60-foot flagpole will be included as a separate project as soon as it is clear that the placement will not disrupt construction activity of the contractor.
In New Business, the Council approved the purchase of a Zebra evidence management system from Souther Software at a cost of $3,105, paid from Alabama Trust Funds. The new state-of-the-art system will use a bar code identification of pieces of evidence that attaches all the relevant paperwork necessary for court.
Approval was given to pay expenses for the Mayor and Council to attend the annual Alabama League of Municipalities Convention in Huntsville from May 13th to the 16th, including registration, lodging, per diem, and travel expenses. Officials will take advantage of the League’s Municipal Official training session, which are now required per a new state law.
The Council approved advertisements with the Childersburg High School boys and girls soccer teams at $300 per team.
Approval was given to pay invoices in the amount of $417,864.16. That includes a $104,000 semi-annual City bond payment.
The next regular meeting of the Childersburg Council will be held on Tuesday, February 18th at 6:00 p.m.