Childersburg City Council meetings City Council meeting

Childersburg’s new Judicial Complex is progressing on schedule for April debut

Watch the meeting video below &/or read the accounts of the meeting.

A short-handed Childersburg City Council handled a short agenda on Tuesday, February 4th and turned it’s attention the new Childersburg Judicial Complex. Council members Angie Twyman and Wes Allen were absent.

Renovations on the building that will house both the Childersburg Police Department and the Municipal Court was reported as making significant, on-schedule progress. Mayor Ken Wesson reported that plans for the phone system and security cameras is ready for implementation, “ It will include a ‘safe exchange zone’ close to the front door with 24/7 surveillance camera to record child custody exchanges as well as online commerce meet-ups in a safe, recorded environment.”

During their pre-meeting work session the Council discussed plans being developed for an impressive sign at the new Judicial Complex. A 60-foot flagpole will be included as a separate project as soon as it is clear that the placement will not disrupt construction activity of the contractor.

In New Business, the Council approved the purchase of a Zebra evidence management system from Souther Software at a cost of $3,105, paid from Alabama Trust Funds. The new state-of-the-art system will use a bar code identification of pieces of evidence that attaches all the relevant paperwork necessary for court.

Approval was given to pay expenses for the Mayor and Council to attend the annual Alabama League of Municipalities Convention in Huntsville from May 13th to the 16th, including registration, lodging, per diem, and travel expenses. Officials will take advantage of the League’s Municipal Official training session, which are now required per a new state law.

The Council approved advertisements with the Childersburg High School boys and girls soccer teams at $300 per team.

Approval was given to pay invoices in the amount of $417,864.16. That includes a $104,000 semi-annual City bond payment.

The next regular meeting of the Childersburg Council will be held on Tuesday, February 18th at 6:00 p.m.

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